Supreme technical know-how based on German engineering, successful system developer and experienced specialist – MAXIMATOR GmbH is the leading supplier for high pressure and test technology involving hydraulics and pneumatics. What is crucial for our company’s ever-continuing success is the ability to implement ideas, stand-alone and system solutions quickly and safely. We provide expert consultancy, engineering design and delivery of, complex systems for economical solutions to specialized tasks.
Our experienced employees’ target-orientated approach is always subject to the highest quality requirements. Knowledge in the area of complex systems and a keen awareness of the customers and the market application requirements guarantee consistent further development of our products and standards.
Expertise based on decades of experience singles our company out with system-based solutions being our strength and aspiration. We perform pressure pulse tests, leakage and burst pressure tests and Autofrettage services for you in our test laboratories in Germany and the USA. This service offers you the unique possibility of determining the performance parameters and quality features of your products under real conditions as early as the prototype phase.
Our comprehensive product programme includes:
- Valves
- Fittings
- Anti-vibration screw connections
- Filters
- Check valves
- Burst disc holders and burst discs
- Valve Actuators
- Ball valves
- Adaptors and couplings
Our credentials:
- High-pressure pumps and high-pressure boosters for use in Explosion proof areas (ATEX )
- Gas-driven pumps and boosters
- Valves and fi ttings for sour gas applications
- Booster stations and hydraulic units in stainless steel design
- Injection units and sampling systems
- Wellhead control panels with certifi ed frame (Germanischer Lloyd)
- Customer-specifi c fl ushing units for extreme environmental conditions
- Emergency shutdown (ESD) panels
- Test benches for sub-sea control modules
- Supply systems for sub-sea control modules (Hydraulic Power Units)
We supply:
- Central feed units for several mechanical seals
- Air and water coolers for defl ecting heat
- External circulation systems for mechanical seals
- Booster stations for increasing the sealing pressure for gas sealed mechanical seals
- Monitoring units for mechanical seals
- Thermosiphon vessels
Our range of services includes:
- Autofrettage machines
- Assembly and functional test systems
- High-pressure internal cleaning stations (fl ushing technology)
- Pressure pulse test machines
- Leakage and burst pressure technology
- Mandrel extraction machines for the production of hoses
- Expansion units
- High-pressure generation units for hydroforming applications
- Systems for fl ow rate-controlled filling of airbag shells